Where’s my love

Endless fields of emptiness in my dark and wounded heart Where is my love? The freezing moment when you turned your head and waved goodbye Where is my love? Even all the biggest storms can’t take my pain away Where is my love? Noisy happy people crossing streets from side to side Where is my love? I gave you everything …

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Notes after Vodka

When you’re with russia, all worries go away. You’re in a totally different world. The parallel world that is transparent to every other eye. You don’t think, because thinking brings worries. Your feet levitate above the ground. You spread your arms and see the wings that never existed before. You take flight. Up above you fly, with her. Arms wide …

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A blank in memory II

I never thought I would write about you. More so, write this about you. Ever since I found you, I’ve been carried away by emotions so deep that I feel a crippled being unable to move and dead without your support. Once upon a time I’d you. I really liked you very much and you listened to me patiently like …

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No need for Oxygen

Uneasy as I write this and wonder where all oxygen has gone suddenly. I close my eyes, breath in and expand my lungs to feel the gush of wonderful air going inside only to find that there’s nothing except venom; venom everywhere. I breath out immediately and cough; cough hard. Where has the oxygen gone? Why do i need it? …

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1000 People

A thousand people yell They’re shouting my name But I want to die in this moment I want to die And a thousand people smile They’re smiling at me But I want to die in this moment I want to die No way to understand Why I’ve become the way I am When the sky is filled with stars I …

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Loser’s Love

anxious eyes gazing outside in dark waiting for birds to chirp and silence to break a roof far away is where he wants to goto meet that nurse and sit by the lake but before he gives it a throw there are crocodiles and millions of silhouettes and a doppelganger to be wary of and when he is inside the …

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find me the captaintell him i want to knowjust who is steering and who’s merely holding onand when the next wave is the last wavei’ll drag him downwards to the engine roomand never let gooh Nicolefrom the moment we met we let it get out of controlthe universal dancethe black romance of running preythe slowing downthe giving inthe final give …

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