My new Toy: Wink Hub 2
Picked up Wink Hub 2 last week. Pretty good as compared to Samsung Smartthings which is going back to Amazon.
Finding stories in everyday adventures
Picked up Wink Hub 2 last week. Pretty good as compared to Samsung Smartthings which is going back to Amazon.
Replaced the old thermostat with the smart Nest thermostat. Had always been wanting a smart thermostat and after we bought the house, it was the perfect opportunity to get it. The previous thermostat used to be an Aprilaire thermostat. I believe it also controlled a humidifier. However, there is no central humidifier I could find, therefore, it was only to …
Old house and extremely limited shelving in Closets, sounds familiar right? Well, I decided to take care of storage by installing shiny new wire shelving in all the 3 closets we have in the house. Here are some photos of the Master Bedroom closet. I know what you are thinking, it’s so tiny! Yes Sir or Madam, this is an …
Had a water damaged base of the Under the sink Cabinet. As a result, it was sagging and couldn’t support anything on it. I decided to replace it. It turned out to be a great small project. Bonus: also ended up installing a new Garbage disposal!
Yes! I installed new cold water line for our fridge. All my crimps were good. Very happy to get it right first time.
Moving day finally arrived! Going to our first house together. So excited…
We bought a house! It’s in Fort Wayne, IN. Built in 1912, it’s in the historical district of zip code 46807! A traditional American Foursquare!
We are house hunting. This will be our first house bought together.
I created a custom docker image for PHP that includes following: Custom PHP.ini file correct timezone configured Apache mod_rewrite enabled PHP PDO MySQL extension installed You can access it here. …and click here for Dockerfile link
My site and this blog is now completely on Docker containers. I really like the setup and it wasn’t too difficult to achieve. This will help me reduce my physical server to bare minimums required to keep Docker containers running. Docker is amazing and truly revolutionary!