MBA, thoughts, etc.

I was thinking about the real benefit of being in an MBA school and then I remembered about my initial intention of joining the MBA program. My original intent was to get exposed to brilliant talent, team up and satiate my entrepreneurial self by doing out of the box stuff. Stuff, successful or unsuccessful, after graduation could make me not …

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My LOI for the KGSA VP of IT position

So, I took the plunge and nominated myself for the Krannert Graduate Student Association’s VP of IT position. Here’s my Letter of Intent. About KGSA (taken from KGSA is the governing body of Krannert’s student clubs and is responsible for representing the interests of the entire student body with a simple mission: Enhance the Krannert Experience.  KGSA directly oversees the …

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Soup Survival

Life is getting really busy, days are getting longer and hectic, nights are getting shorter and sleepless, and survival on (ahem) soups has become quite common. With the rain of cases, mid-terms, other course stuff, outside course stuff, club activities, global projects, social gatherings, etc. and etc., pouring over your head, would you really have time to cook?! Of course …

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