Building an HTPC Part 3
I am very satisfied the way this project has progressed so far. I have successfully upgraded my system to have more RAM and a dedicated Graphics card. With all the upgrades in place, I connected the system to my HDTV using the HDMI cable and also to the router using a CAT5 cable. Sweet! Isn’t it? I am playing around …
End of Semester 1
I am joyous to say I have completed 25% of my MBA journey! Looking back, my last performance wasn’t one of my best. I could have done better but that’s all gone now. The only thing possible is to be best in future. And I will be!
Building an HTPC Part 2
So, I mentally calculated how much the upgrades are going to set me back by. RAM – probably $50 or so, Blu Ray drive about the same, graphics card about $60 or above and USB card about $30. Total about $200. I could do that! There was one more thing. I figured from online research, that my motherboard could only …
Building an HTPC Part 1
Few weeks back, during the week of Black Friday, I was thinking of buying an Xbox to play video games on my HDTV. I have a Nintendo Wii but there’s only so much you can do with it. Not that I don’t enjoy playing games on it. I do. However, the type of games you can play is very limited. …
A week for the finals
Next Tuesday is my first final for this mod. That is followed by two more finals, one on Wednesday, and the other on Thursday. At the end of Thursday, I would be a free man… well at least for some time. I have plans to utilize the long holidays. First 10 days I am going to work on my career …
Internet Censorship..? C’mon India!
Latest on Internet Censorship, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal asked Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft to screen content deemed “inappropriate” from social media websites. Apparently, the example shown to the company representatives was related to the president of Congress, Sonia Gandhi. Interestingly, there have been many “hate India” campaigns too in the social world, however, minister does not seem to have noticed …
Last day of November
It has been over 3 months since the start of the school and now just under 6 months are left for the start of the summer break when most of us are supposed to do our internships. 6 months seem to be long time, however, trust me as I have heard from every one over here, those 6 months pass …
Windows Phone has arrived!
Just got my Samsung Focus S delivered. It is an amazing phone and the Windows OS is simply fantastic. I am overly excited to explore it further having already configured all email accounts, facebook and twitter on it. One complaint though – I noticed it synced my Purdue Exchange and Google calendar by default. What ended up happening was, I …