Building a Linux HTPC

It’s been a while since I have blogged not beacuse of laziness but because I am working towards having my own website where I could continue this blog and start many more interesting things. For this purpose, I have been learning Ruby on Rails as I think I want to build something on a new technology not PHP which I am not very interested in. I am also not wanting to use any CMS software. I want to build something from scratch; my own product! Anyways, so until that happens, which will take some time, I am going to post not so frequently. This post is just a quick update about something I decided rather spontaneously. Tonight I am going to create a linux machine for all HTPC purposes. I have researched on the internet long enough that I think I am now ready to jump into that. There are couple of reasons why I think Linux machine would be great. Hey, this by no means is getting rid of Windows. It will still be there not because of Netflix not available on Linux but because I like Windows, and I spent money on buying genuine license, and also looking forward to upgrading to Windows 8. The first reason, and probably the main reason for going with Linux is administrative power. I want to have control of my machine not just locally but remotely. I want to be able start, shutdown and manage it from wherever I am. Now, all that can also be done using Windows but Linux gurus will agree that Linux provides much control then Windows does. Second, Linux will act as a server for my Ruby experiments, and could possibly host my future website. I already have a Linux VM on Windows 7, where I play around with Rails but time has come to have a full fledged Linux machine! So, wrapping up, I am proceeding to install Fedora Core 17 with Virtualbox or VMWare Player (whichever looks best) for Windows 7 VM. I am going to use XBMC and try other media centers as well to see which ultimately fits my needs. On the Windows side, I will have WMC for Netflix. Hopefully Hulu works on Linux so that I can enjoy my plus subscription. Anyways, see ya in some time!


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