Fixing Random Samba Share Lockouts Part 2 w/Docker

Continuation of my previous post about fixing random Samba Share lockouts. I discovered that Docker and Samba were fighting to gain access to the folders. If I set the label to samba_share_t, then Docker loses access. If I allow Docker (with “Z” option while running container), then Docker resets the label to “svirt_sandbox_file_t”. How can I make both use it? …

Read moreFixing Random Samba Share Lockouts Part 2 w/Docker

Custom Docker image for PHP

I created a custom docker image for PHP that includes following: Custom PHP.ini file correct timezone configured Apache mod_rewrite enabled PHP PDO MySQL extension installed You can access it here. …and click here for Dockerfile link

My Site is now on Docker containers

My site and this blog is now completely on Docker containers. I really like the setup and it wasn’t too difficult to achieve. This will help me reduce my physical server to bare minimums required to keep Docker containers running. Docker is amazing and truly revolutionary!