Transmission Remote GUI enables you to control your torrents from Windows

I love Transmission BT client on my Ubuntu Server. However, I hate it’s web UI. Searching on the web I found an excellent UI for it. It’s called Transmission Remote GUI, and can be downloaded here. This UI is a “thick” client meaning you will need …

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django on apache2 with mod_wsgi

Reference: Sitename: vkrm Location: /work/vkrm 1. Install mod_wsgi (and Apache if not already). I had both already installed (I checked for mod_wsgi by running “yum install mod_wsgi”). If not, follow instructions on: 2. Enable “mod_wsgi” and httpd.conf su -c vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Add line: …

Read moredjango on apache2 with mod_wsgi

Configuring headless transmission (torrent) client on Fedora 17

su yum install transmission yum install transmission-daemon make sure transmission-daemon service is not running service stop transmission-daemon edit configuration file to enable rpc and disable whitelist (or allow addresses in whitelist) vi /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission/settings.json start transmission-daemon service start transmission-daemon Note: if you modify settings while transmission-daemon …

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Installing Webmin on Ubuntu 12.04

Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file on your system and add the lines : deb sarge contrib   deb sarge contrib You should also fetch and install GPG key with which the repository is signed, with the commands : cd /root wget   apt-key …

Read moreInstalling Webmin on Ubuntu 12.04