How to configure Brother QL-700 label printer on CentOS

I recently built a print server at home where I have attached the Brother QL-700 label printer. That printer does not have Wireless printing feature and I wanted to have all computers in the house be able to use it over the network. I thought of buying a new label printer that comes with Wireless connectivity but I couldn’t find any brand new label printer less than $100. Then I had an idea. Why don’t I build a print server? So using a few spare computer components and purchasing a few new components, I built a print server. But that’s not what I want to discuss in this post. What I really want to discuss is how I configured my printer to work on CentOS and be able to print through Windows.


  • You have the printer plugged into the CentOS computer using USB port
  • The computer has CentOS 7 (might work for earlier versions as well)
  • The computer has network connectivity (either Wireless or Wired)
  • “CUPS” is installed and accessible via http://<server host>:631
  • Samba is installed and running on the Server

Step 1: Download and install the printer driver

Brother’s website actually has printer drivers available for CentOS.

sudo yum install glibc.i686
  • After installation is successful, install the printer driver in the order below
sudo rpm -ivh ql700lpr-1.1.4-0.i386.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh ql700cupswrapper-1.1.4-0.i386.rpm
  • After installation is successful, open the CUPS portal in a web browser: http://<serverhost>:631
  • Go to Printers tab
  • Select the QL-700 printer, then in the “Administration” drop down, select “Set Default Options”
  • In the “Basic” Options, set Media Size to the most appropriate paper size in the printer. For me it was “62mm(2.4″)”

Step 2: Configure SELinux

SELinux will deny you access to printer. This is where I spent many hours trying to figure out why my printer wasn’t printing anything. To remedy this, do one of the following:

  1. Permanently disable SELinux (Not recommended)
  2. Temporarily disable SELinux (It gets enabled next time server reboots – so not really very useful)
  3. Configure it to permanently allow Printer access (Recommended)

I chose Option 3. Here’s how to configure SELinux to allow Printer access:

  • Temporarily disable SELinux
sudo setenforce 0
  • Then print a test page. This will be in CUPS portal -> Printers. Under “Maintenance” drop down, “Print Test Page” Option
  • Hopefully, a test page will be printed
  • Then log on to the Server to find out what SELinux policies to set
sudo grep cups /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow
  • This should print something like below
#============= cupsd_t ==============

#!!!! This avc is allowed in the current policy
allow cupsd_t ld_so_cache_t:file execute;

#!!!! This avc is allowed in the current policy
allow cupsd_t self:process execmem;
  • You need to then create an SELinux module out of above by running the following command
sudo grep cups /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M cupspolicy

“cupspolicy” name is representative. You can give any name as long as it is unique for SELinux

  • After this, make the policy package active by running following command:
sudo semodule -i cupspolicy.pp
  • Now either reboot the server or remove the SELinux permissive mode
sudo setenforce 1

You should now be able to print another test page. At this point you are all set for configuring Samba.

Step 3: Configure Samba

I use Webmin to manage the server. This allows me to use a GUI interface to perform Samba configuration. If you know your way around commands you can do the same through Console as well.

  • In Webmin, go to Servers -> Samba Windows File Sharing
  • Select “printers”, then set various options
  • Save and then go to “Security and Access Control”. Then give “Guest” access (or any other level of access as you need)
  • At this point you should be all set from Server side

Step 4: Configure Windows computer

  • Go again to Brother’s website and this time download drivers and software for Windows 10 64 bit (or other Windows):
  • Install the driver and software
  • After that, Add the network printer by going to: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers
  • In the “Add a device” wizard, select “The printer that I want isn’t listed”
  • In the next screen, select “Select a shared printer by name” and then in the input box, type the http address for the CUPS site for the printer. It should be something like “http://<serverhost>:631/printers/QL-700”
  • When I asked for Driver, select “Brother” as manufacturer and “Brother QL-700” as printer
  • Hit OK and complete the set up
  • After that the QL-700 printer should show up under “Printers”
  • Next, you need to create a Custom Layout in “P-touch Editor”. This step was required for me because I wanted to print small address labels but the printer was erroring out not recognizing the layout (Hint: red flashing light)
  • In the “P-touch Editor”, open the “Small Address Label” (2.4″ x 1.1″) layout, and then set the Length from 1.1″ to “Auto”
  • Save the layout as “Custom_Small_Address” or any other name (File -> Save As)
  • Then import the layout in “P-touch Address Book” software. This is the software I use most frequently to print address labels (Layout -> Import Layout). The custom layout should appear under “My Templates”
  • At this point, you are all set. Try printing the label using the custom layout and hopefully it will print


Let me know if you are facing issues. It took me several hours to find out what was wrong but finally I was able to configure the printer. It may be same for you. I can try to help you if I could. Most of the issues were related to driver install, SELinux and media size, so be sure to follow each and every step above.

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