Keep Swimming

I have a liking for fishes. No I do not eat them rather I keep them. Fishes are a pet for me. Ever since my mom showed me that local aquarium shop back when I was a kid, I’ve been in love with them. As they say, it was love at first sight. So I would accompany her whenever she’d …

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It’s 2AM in the morning and I’m still awake. I’ve no idea what’s keeping me up at this time. Is it the 2 hour slumber I’d in the evening or is it something else? I don’t know. While I’m awake some thoughts are coming into my mind. I’m thinking about tomorrow. Not the day after but my Tomorrow. Tomorrow is …

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Happy Diwali ’09

I’d never thought I could miss Diwali celebrations so much. For all these years Diwali had been just a day for me celebrated with bursting crackers and exchanging sweets; a regular phenomenon occurring every year in either October or November. When I was a kid I used to anxiously wait for Diwali season to start. Of course, Diwali meant crackers, …

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I was hurriedly walking down the corridor in office towards men’s room one fine morning. That morning had been really busy. I was swarmed with issues. As I was passing through the corridor I looked at the glass window and saw the raindrops over the glass. It was raining. “raining since yesterday” I whispered to myself. I stopped. The view …