Configuring GD and Freetype on WordPress Docker Image

This applies to official WordPress image but can be used with PHP image also. Create Dockerfile with following contents: FROM wordpress:latest # Install gd and freetype RUN apt-get -y update \ && apt-get -y install php5-gd freetype* \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd –with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ –with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ \ && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd Build your image docker build -t wordpress . Or you can use …

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Creating SSH Key Based Authentication using Bitvise on CentOS

On your client machine (e.g. Laptop) Start Bitvise Client Key Manager, and click “Generate New” Select Algorithm “RSA” and Size 4096 (or any other) Set a Passphrase if required. Enter some comments, and click Generate. After Key is generated, select it, and click on “Export”. In the Export options, make sure you select “Export public key” and underneath it “OpenSSH …

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PyCharm & Git

Install Git for Windows first Using Git Bash, generate private and public keys Add public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote server Create a local folder to store repository On server, create a new repository or initialize a repository from existing files cd some_dir git init git add . git commit In PyCharm, use ssh://vik@jarvis/~/code/jarvis/.git

Playing with is a NLP (Natural Language Processing) api. Think of it as something that can be used to create next Cortana or Siri. Basically, the api allows you to send a text statement (or voice), and convert into meaningful form that your program can understand and respond to. I have started playing with it. First thing I am doing is install on Jarvis …

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Trick 2: Bulk download 4K wallpapers from

A year ago I had posted about how you can bulk download 1080p wallpapers from Microsoft’s website. You can read the post here. That tricked worked very well and allowed me to download a total of 543 1080p wallpapers in one go. Now, I am using the same concept to download wallpapers from albeit this time it’s 4K, baby! (3840×2160) …

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