Internet Censorship..? C’mon India!
Latest on Internet Censorship, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal asked Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft to screen content deemed “inappropriate” from social media websites. Apparently, the example shown to the company representatives was related to the president of Congress, Sonia Gandhi. Interestingly, there have been many “hate India” campaigns too in the social world, however, minister does not seem to have noticed …
Back from Himachal
Back from Himachal. It was a 5 day trip that I will remember for some time. I met many people and had too much food. Not sure when my next visit will be. My uncle (dad’s brother in law) from Baghera village in Himachal Pradesh. A news I received today morning. It is sad. Dad took an evening bus to …
Delhi Belly
I finally watched Delhi Belly yesterday. Though I liked it I kind of feel that it is slightly overrated. Besides that there was nothing I did yesterday. What a waste of day!Today I got my car serviced and picked my new contact lenses. My prescription has increased in last two years from -0.75/-0.5 to -1.25/-0.50 😥
Osama is dead
Just heard Osama Bin Laden is dead. Not sure if it is true and what it is going to bring to the world if it is true. The day was busy as I was occupied by work. I have to finish my current assignment by end of this month.
Onion Cards
So heard onions are at 80 rupees per kg in India. You don’t know how elated I am to hear this news. No no, don’t get up from your seat to beat me or think of words to throw at me. First let me explain my thoughts and then you decide what you want to do to me. OK – So I …
the shimmering surface shows the reflection of thyself;a burnt face and a twisted trunkwho is to blame? me, you or them?the hatred and the urge to smash the face,break it into pieces and crush the legsinability to stand the presence,and the sickening feelingthe downward look, thus, when seenand a shame for the life unseen
Let’s Get Lost
i’ve been outside invited in but i couldn’t abide wouldn’t miss it again burning every bridge that i cross to find some beautiful place to get lost i had true love i made it die i pushed her away she said, “please stay” burning every bridge that i cross to find some beautiful place to get lost well, i don’t …
Time flies
the open hair and the fragrance the color of your eyes and the innocence resting my head on your shoulder hearing your talks, and seeing you blush my smile your smile my smile the holding of hands, and touching of the lips time flies, certainly