Vik the Plumber
Yes! I installed new cold water line for our fridge. All my crimps were good. Very happy to get it right first time.
Finding stories in everyday adventures
Yes! I installed new cold water line for our fridge. All my crimps were good. Very happy to get it right first time.
Moving day finally arrived! Going to our first house together. So excited…
We bought a house! It’s in Fort Wayne, IN. Built in 1912, it’s in the historical district of zip code 46807! A traditional American Foursquare!
We are house hunting. This will be our first house bought together.
I created a custom docker image for PHP that includes following: Custom PHP.ini file correct timezone configured Apache mod_rewrite enabled PHP PDO MySQL extension installed You can access it here. …and click here for Dockerfile link
My site and this blog is now completely on Docker containers. I really like the setup and it wasn’t too difficult to achieve. This will help me reduce my physical server to bare minimums required to keep Docker containers running. Docker is amazing and truly revolutionary!
This applies to official WordPress image but can be used with PHP image also. Create Dockerfile with following contents: FROM wordpress:latest # Install gd and freetype RUN apt-get -y update \ && apt-get -y install php5-gd freetype* \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd –with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ –with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ \ && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd Build your image docker build -t wordpress . Or you can use …
Read moreConfiguring GD and Freetype on WordPress Docker Image
I am just starting out on Docker and so far it’s been fun. Here I am going to show how I used Docker WordPress and MySQL containers. Before I delve into the details, I want to tell you that I am going to be working on Windows using SSH on Docker VM. If you want to know how to do …
Docker on Windows has a lot to be desired. One thing I found uncomfortable to use is the Docker Shell on Windows. As of version 1.11.2, Docker uses MINGW64 extension to provide the UNIX Shell on Windows and even then it operates on the host, i.e. the Windows machine. If you know the current architecture, Docker runs on a Linux …
I have recently started using Python and Docker. As a novice, I wanted to configure PyCharm on Windows to use my Docker Python image. Here are couple of things I had to do to successfully accomplish this: Your Project folder must be inside your Windows home folder, i.e. c:\users\user. If not, PyCharm will not be able to run your Python …