A week for the finals
Next Tuesday is my first final for this mod. That is followed by two more finals, one on Wednesday, and the other on Thursday. At the end of Thursday, I would be a free man… well at least for some time. I have plans to utilize the long holidays. First 10 days I am going to work on my career …
Internet Censorship..? C’mon India!
Latest on Internet Censorship, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal asked Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft to screen content deemed “inappropriate” from social media websites. Apparently, the example shown to the company representatives was related to the president of Congress, Sonia Gandhi. Interestingly, there have been many “hate India” campaigns too in the social world, however, minister does not seem to have noticed …
Last day of November
It has been over 3 months since the start of the school and now just under 6 months are left for the start of the summer break when most of us are supposed to do our internships. 6 months seem to be long time, however, trust me as I have heard from every one over here, those 6 months pass …
Bob McDonald’s Visit
Heard Bob McDonald speak today at Purdue. It was an honor to be present over there and learn his experiences of how he landed up at P&G from the military academy, and how his life’s expectations always matched to what he did during the course of his career progression. Among the 10 things he talked about related to leadership, and …
Back from Himachal
Back from Himachal. It was a 5 day trip that I will remember for some time. I met many people and had too much food. Not sure when my next visit will be. My uncle (dad’s brother in law) from Baghera village in Himachal Pradesh. A news I received today morning. It is sad. Dad took an evening bus to …
Delhi Belly
I finally watched Delhi Belly yesterday. Though I liked it I kind of feel that it is slightly overrated. Besides that there was nothing I did yesterday. What a waste of day!Today I got my car serviced and picked my new contact lenses. My prescription has increased in last two years from -0.75/-0.5 to -1.25/-0.50 😥
Catch-up II
I haven’t been blogging lately. Last post was in May and a lot has happened since then. Osama Bin Laden is indeed dead 🙂 but that is not what concerns me. Ofcourse, for the world and especially the USA it is a revenge finally taken but for me I have better things to worry about at the moment. So, I …
Osama is dead
Just heard Osama Bin Laden is dead. Not sure if it is true and what it is going to bring to the world if it is true. The day was busy as I was occupied by work. I have to finish my current assignment by end of this month.