WOL on Fedora 17
Finding stories in everyday adventures
This was a bit of a research but here is how I did it: http://stevejenkins.com/blog/2010/03/set-up-vnc-from-windows-to-fedora-12-over-the-internet/ http://owldevx.wordpress.com/2011/12/16/vnc-server-fedora-16/ http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Fedora_16&p=x&f=2
It’s been a while since I have blogged not beacuse of laziness but because I am working towards having my own website where I could continue this blog and start many more interesting things. For this purpose, I have been learning Ruby on Rails as I think I want to build something on a new technology not PHP which I …
Configuring SUDO1. Open a terminal.2. In the terminal enter the following: su –login -c ‘visudo’ 3. Press enter, at the password prompt enter the password for root, then press enter.4. A display similar to the following will be displayed: # sudoers file.## This file MUST be edited with the ‘visudo’ command as root.## See the sudoers man page for the …
It has been a while since I have blogged about my HTPC project. I must say the project has progressed really well and I am happy with my HTPC. There have been a lot of enhancements done to my HTPC. Here are the ones I would like to mention: Hardware Blu-ray drive: My HTPC finally has a blu-ray drive, and it …
I am very satisfied the way this project has progressed so far. I have successfully upgraded my system to have more RAM and a dedicated Graphics card. With all the upgrades in place, I connected the system to my HDTV using the HDMI cable and also to the router using a CAT5 cable. Sweet! Isn’t it? I am playing around …
So, I mentally calculated how much the upgrades are going to set me back by. RAM – probably $50 or so, Blu Ray drive about the same, graphics card about $60 or above and USB card about $30. Total about $200. I could do that! There was one more thing. I figured from online research, that my motherboard could only …
Few weeks back, during the week of Black Friday, I was thinking of buying an Xbox to play video games on my HDTV. I have a Nintendo Wii but there’s only so much you can do with it. Not that I don’t enjoy playing games on it. I do. However, the type of games you can play is very limited. …