How Ryan Tomayko explained REST to his wife
Just encountered this excellent post about Ryan Tomayko explaining REST to his wife. Give it a read. It’s here:
django on apache2 with mod_wsgi
Reference: Sitename: vkrm Location: /work/vkrm 1. Install mod_wsgi (and Apache if not already). I had both already installed (I checked for mod_wsgi by running “yum install mod_wsgi”). If not, follow instructions on: 2. Enable “mod_wsgi” and httpd.conf su -c vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Add line: LoadModule wsgi_module modules/ 3. Create a static directory in your site. Inside the directory that …
Configuring headless transmission (torrent) client on Fedora 17
su yum install transmission yum install transmission-daemon make sure transmission-daemon service is not running service stop transmission-daemon edit configuration file to enable rpc and disable whitelist (or allow addresses in whitelist) vi /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission/settings.json start transmission-daemon service start transmission-daemon Note: if you modify settings while transmission-daemon is running, changes won’t be saved! Therefore, first stop the service
Configuring NVidia Audio/Video on Fedora 17
A solution that worked for me: For audio, find the device ID and add a PulseAudio sink using instructions from here:
Dynamic MOTD in Ubuntu 12.04
Follow this:
Installing Webmin on Ubuntu 12.04
Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file on your system and add the lines : deb sarge contrib deb sarge contrib You should also fetch and install GPG key with which the repository is signed, with the commands : cd /root wget apt-key add jcameron-key.asc You will now be able to install with the commands : apt-get update …
WOL on Fedora 17
Installing VNC Server on Fedora 17
This was a bit of a research but here is how I did it:
Building a Linux HTPC
It’s been a while since I have blogged not beacuse of laziness but because I am working towards having my own website where I could continue this blog and start many more interesting things. For this purpose, I have been learning Ruby on Rails as I think I want to build something on a new technology not PHP which I …